Hitting A Rough Patch

hearts&books* * *

I spend a lot of time writing. I spend a lot of time reading.

Does this sound like you?

It sure as hell sounds like me. Maybe it sounds like you and me and a lot of other people.

So, because we, collectively, spend a lot of time reading and a lot of time writing (me, for my profession, as well as scribing a book or two or three–what’s your excuse?), coming up with an enticing blog post can get a bit, shall we say, tricky.

Fried brain on toast, if you know what I mean.

Sometimes I just sit here, looking at the screen and saying to myself, “What the heck am I going to write about today?” I used to blog three days a week, now I’m down to one day a week. I’ve hit a rough patch. I’m honestly just so darn busy that this poor little blog of mine has had to take a back seat to my career…my kids…my hubby…and readying the porch for winter.

Seriously. I just finished “closing up the porch” for the season. I wasn’t ready to shut it down, but I didn’t want our brand new cushions on our brand new furniture to become moldy, so I vacuumed them, cleaned them, stored them in bags, and brought them inside. I vacuumed the porch floors and dusted all the furniture before I wrapped it all up and covered it for the season. I suppose I could write about that.

Or perhaps I can liken closing up the porch for winter to my own mind closing up a little with regard to this blog. There are things I know I could write about, but I always wonder whether someone would be interested in what I have to say. It’s a coin toss, and I’m not willing to call it in the air.

CartoonMy husband loves to tell me that my blog is not “streamlined enough.” He says I write about too many subjects, and that if I focused on just one topic, I might find a niche for my blog.

I’ve never much liked niches. It’s like being pigeonholed, and I don’t much care for that idea either.

I tell him I would be bored.

I can’t imagine only writing about one subject (such as writing). I write all day long and I read all day long and I teach writing. Why would I want to write about writing when I already do that?

Nah, I say. I just want to write about subjects I want to write about, and I want to vary my topics. That could involve writing about books, television, movies, fashion, life lessons, childhood stories…who knows?  You never know what I’ll pull out of my twisted little hat on any given day.

No one says a blog has to be one set way.

The power of the imagination is incredibly intoxicating. All you have to do is let your imagination go to places you never thought were possible…be daring…write in a way that is a little scary, dearie…write stories you haven’t told…tell stories you’ve always wanted to tell…

Can’t you feel the creative juices flowing? Can’t you envision the spark that just caught me and lit my fire?


Just focus.

It’ll come to you.

I tell myself that.

A lot.



  • Julie Wagner

    As much as I respect your husband, he is wrong. Why I like your blog is because it is always something different. I hear about an interesting book, get a fashion tip, read a short story or listen to a reflection on a favorite old movie or on life’s interesting moments. As the Amy Adams character in “Julia” learned when you “have” to blog it can become all consuming. Write when you want and we’ll all enjoy the moments when they come.

  • Jack Flacco

    Hey Steph! I don’t know if this helps, but I know exactly what you’re going through. Exactly. As you may remember, I had a blog once on blogger and I eventually nuked it because it didn’t feel like it reflected who I am. I remember you were one of the few WordPress buddies who would show up and comment. That was pretty cool, and that was back in 2011-12. Nowadays, I write whatever’s on my mind on Friday. As you know, I also talk about zombies, aliens and cool chicks in film throughout the week. I did this after I took a much-needed eight month break from all things social to regain my focus. Of course, by no means will I suggest you do the same thing–that would be foolish of me. I do however attribute my creative output to those eight months away. It’s pretty interesting what I can do now that I didn’t think I could back then. Anyway, hang in there. You’ll soon find your groove and by that time, no one will be able to stop your creativity flowing!

    • Steph's Scribe/Stephanie Verni

      Thank you, Jack. I think writing a textbook, combined with completing novel #2 is causing my blogging creativity to dwindle. I took a break from blogging last summer and focused on other writing, and you’re right, it does help. I appreciate that you stop by to read even my silliest of posts. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    FYI: We seniors hit those “rough patches” almost every day! One good thing to remember is that “You are not alone.” A “patch” is just that…a ‘PATCH”–NOT A LIFETIME! Love your blogs…LOVE YOU!

  • Anonymous

    I feel like this about life sometimes. Which way to go, what to say and how to deal with things I will never have answers too. Thats why writing and my imagination help ease my overcharged mind, and when this happens I go all over the place with ideas. Sticking to one “streamlined” topic is hard to imagine. A blog is can be focused but in a controlled chaotic way. It surprises the subscribers and makes it a refreshing experience. I enjoy reading your posts whether it is about writing or not!

  • Leonora Dixon

    Dear Stephanie I am a friend of Ashley Gorgilli who was in your class at Stevenson & she told me to write to you & ask for your help to be able to get my second book published. My first book “A Peachy Life” was published but I am having trouble getting my second book published can you please help me thank you for your help I remain sincerely Leonor Peachy Dixon

    • Steph's Scribe/Stephanie Verni

      I wish I were a publisher, but unfortunately, I am not. I am a self-published, independent author who publishes through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. There are many resources for independent authors, however, and I used many of them to figure out how to do it. On agentquery.com, you can read about self-publishing or garner more information about seeking representation for your book.

      There are many useful website and books to help independent authors. However, if it’s an agent you are looking for, I’d start reading some of the pieces on agentquery.com.

      All the best in your endeavors!


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